Saturday, August 05, 2006

Sooo...Don't you just love it when you have car problems? I know Bryan does, since he seems to testify about it in church everytime he has any... ;) (Truth be told, Bry, your testimonies are always very entertaining)...But, I digress.

Back to my car problems. Thursday night, on my way out to the Marincus' to pick up Zach from his trip, I stopped and got $10 worth of gas at Shell to hold me over-I had stopped at Safeway first, which was cheaper..but also had 4 cars in each lane, so I decided to go to Shell even though they cost more, because I didn't want to wait. And my car seemed to be running fine, it made it to Jacksonville and back no problem, however, later that night, when I was taking Zach home...I noticed it had started making this whirring noise when I slowed down and when I was turning..but didn't think too much of it. Then this morning I noticed it was a little worse on my way to work, so I called my mom-note that my parents are out of town right now..- and told her what was wrong with my car. Her answer? Bad gas, which made sense to me, since I just got gas last night, and so I stopped worrying too much about it. After all, there wasn't much I could do until I got most of it out of my car by simply driving around. However, tonight when I went to take Zach home, it had progressed to much worse. And I noticed it was beginning to get pretty hard to steer. Sooo, I called my dad this time, and asked him what he thought. I also mentioned that I noticed it was leaking something on the driveway..which looked like oil. The new verdict? My dad thinks my power-steering is out. Which means no driving for me until after they get back from their trip and my dad has a chance to look at it. Know what else it means? *sigh* $$$ :( And of course, this comes about a week after I was saying how I loved that my car never gives me any trouble. There's never anything wrong with it.

*sigh* Me and my big mouth. Why did I have to say that? I was just asking for something to go wrong. And now it did.

Moral of the story? Gas is the least of my worries.


Bryan said...

Sorry Mandy. I might be able to take a look at it later today (Saturday). Lemme know.

Mandy Sue said...

Thanks for offering, Bry! But my parents get home tonight, so I think I'll survive. If I still had a few days to go til they get back, then I'd totally take you up on that offer!

LaDonna said...

It's okay Mandy, I have a big mouth too. At the daycare, I have a bad habit of commenting on how nice it is when the kids are quiet and the next thing I know 5 of them are screaming!

LaDonna said...

Oh yeah, I was going to say that I do hope your car gets fixed okay and that it doesn't bore too big of a hole into your wallet.

Stacy said...

Poor Manders!! I'm so sorry to hear about the car problems. I can TOTALLY relate. Not exactly that problem, but car problems in general. They are never any fun...

Did I ever mention to you the time Florin and I got pulled over for not having a break lights on my jetta??? Yeah come to find out we had noticed a funny light for the engine, but when we checked it out there weren't any problems with. So needless to say we drove around town for a good couple weeks if not longer with NO BREAK LIGHTS!!

Have no fear though, the good Police Officer was kind of enough to pull us over and give us a fix it ticket = )

Guess what.....I have break lights now = )

Hows the car running now??

Mandy Sue said...


My dad looked at my car yesterday, and it's still not completely fixed. He was able to work on the oil leak, and it's still leaking a little bit, but not as much, he said he should be able to finish fixing that after work today.

As for the power steering, he originally said it could be 3 different things, ranging from under $100 to $1200. He said he knows it's not the two more expensive things, but my car is sooo jampacked that he can't get to it from underneath my car, so even though he knows what needs to be done, it looks like we're gonna have to take it to a mechanic anyway. He did work on it though, and said that I could drive it if I had to. So, we'll see. *sigh*

Mandy Sue said...

Oh and about the brake lights fiasco, no you hadn't told me! LOL!

Stacy said...

Mandy, Mandy, poor thing. Look on the bright side at least you have Zach to drive you around = ) Lets just pray that his car also holds up while yours in getting a little TLC.

Oh speaking of Zach's car did my mom tell you what she did with it right before he got back into town?? Maybe you should just ask her about the "car wash" and see what she says ; )

Mandy Sue said...

This is true, he's been more than willing to drive me around. And even offered to get up early and drive me to work, if I needed a ride. But I still feel bad mooching. Gas prices are sky high, and now it looks like they'll be going up even more.

As for the car wash fiasco, yes, I heard all about that. She said she got quite the shower along with the car! But the car is the shiniest I've ever seen it!

Stacy said...

I could not stop laughing when she told me about the car wash. Shes such a knucklehead. I wish I could have seen that. Zachs car is probably so clean you could eat off of it if you wanted.

I've never actually seen the "real" color of his car....anyone know ;)