Monday, November 24, 2008


To tag onto my previous post about favorite movies....Can you tell me what this quote is from?

You sound neat...We're very excited to meet you..and think we are MFEO.
Ten bonus points to whoever gets it right!
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Anonymous said...

Can't recall the movie line but I love the shot. I do a "feet' shot every Friday on my blog called Friday feet, that one is perfect :)

Mandy Sue said...

@Scott Fillmer:
Thanks! I've actually been wanting to take this shot for a few weeks, and when I checked out your blog it motivated me to do it!

Falling LEAVes said...

Is it "Sleepless in Seattle"??

Mandy Sue said...

Falling LEAVes:
10 Points for you!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say hey, I'm your blog swap partner. I emailed you but didn't get a response. You don't have to approve this blog comment, I just wanted to make sure you knew it was going to be this friday.

Just email me your post to and I'll email you mine. Post them early Friday morning with the details listed on NaBloPoMo.


Gretchen Alice said...

I'm coming in late to the game, but I'd like to point out that I totally knew it was from Sleepless in Seattle. 10 belated bonus points to me!
P.S. LOVE those socks.

Mandy Sue said...

Haha...I'll give you 5 :D

Thanks...I love them, too. Target is awesome like that.